Explore the Colourful World of
Our Curriculum
Shortly after a child’s third birthday they will join our Pre-School as they embark on the final stage of their Minis Journey. At Minis we apply different teaching methods to support our preschool curriculum and school readiness programme.
For example, we have our “Book of the Fortnight”, which uses stories as a catalyst to introduce phonics, literacy, increase vocabulary and support a child’s learning and progression through a love of books. The learning intention is that children are more engaged when linking learning to a story, as it has far more meaning and relevance to them, increasing their desire to learn, interest and understanding of new concepts.
In Mathematics, children will learn to count confidently and develop a deep understanding of numbers. Children will develop a love and knowledge for counting, understanding, and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describe shapes, spaces and measures.
Using different experiences to embed our curriculum
We will support the children to gain more knowledge and understanding of their world and local community, focusing on exploring our local surroundings and learning through outdoor play, learning about people who help us through visits from fire fighters and librarians. We also support the children to learn more about technology, building a foundation of knowledge that will support the children to be confident in using simple technology when moving onto school.
Based on observations, evaluations, and assessments, we plan challenging activities to help children progress. We will always adapt our activities to meet the child’s stage of learning, encouraging further development and building upon their knowledge and ability.
To support this, we focus on the seven areas of learning and development as detailed in the Minis Journey, we also focus on the Characteristics of Effective Learning, which provide each child with a positive disposition through the provision of experiences, to make choices, take responsibility, become an independent thinker, face challenges with a can-do attitude and thinking critically and flexibly.

Playing And Exploring
In play, children can follow their own innate curiosity and drives to, find things out, to relate to others, and to be in charge of their own actions. Our team provide an enabling environment for Playing and Exploring through experiences and interactions that respect children’s ideas, autonomy, and interests. In play, children decide what they will do – often in collaboration with others - what their play is about, who they will play with and for how long. They follow their own curiosity and find their own challenges, using their senses and movement to explore the world and their imaginations to act out what they know and how they feel. They are free to take a risk with new experiences and in open-ended activity.

Active Learning
Our children have opportunities to engage in Active Learning, as they are intrinsically motivated toward their own goals. By tuning into the children and providing time, space and resources for children to manage, our team can foster children’s growing powers to concentrate with a deep involvement. We support resilience by helping children to develop a view that not getting the result they (or others) wanted or were expecting is not a failure, but an opportunity to try again, learn and develop, and that they can keep on trying and persisting even in the face of challenge or difficulties.

thinking creatively and critically
Our children have rich opportunities for Thinking Creatively and Critically. We encourage each child to think of their own ideas, imagine possibilities, and creatively combine ideas in spontaneous ways. The children make meaning as they notice patterns and build their own working theories to make sense of their experiences, then make predictions and test them to refine their understanding. Problems are identified, possible solutions invented, and with support children become increasingly able to monitor their efforts, to alter their approach flexibly when needed, and to review how well it went and what they have learned. This critical thinking becomes more conscious and under children’s control especially through talking with others about their thoughts, sharing and developing ideas together.
School readiness
Towards the end of a child’s Minis Journey the children benefit from our “ready for school programme”, ensuring each child unlocks their full potential both academically and emotionally. Within this programme they will learn independence, an awareness of phonics, will be able to form positive relationships, use the toilet independently, recall numbers confidently and apply how to use them, recall letter and sounds, recognise and write their name, dress independently, use cutlery at mealtimes and serve themselves.
Our children will move on to school, where they maybe one of 32 children with a teacher and TA. We need to ensure that they are confident to be seen and heard, able to put their hand up, ask and answer questions. We want to instil a love for learning and support them to ask ‘why’, ‘where’ and ‘what’ questions. We need to make sure that all children are helped to be the best version on themselves and be positive little learners.